CourseKit is a flexible learning management system (LMS) template with everything you need to sell video content. Create an entire catalog or just a single course and sell subscriptions with ease!
CourseKit is a flexible learning management system (LMS) template with everything you need to sell video content. Create an entire catalog or just a single course and sell subscriptions with ease!
Watch anywhere you have internet access
CourseKit is a flexible learning management system (LMS) template with everything you need to sell video content. Create an entire catalog or just a single course and sell subscriptions with ease!
Get 1:1 help from instructors on-demand
CourseKit is a flexible learning management system (LMS) template with everything you need to sell video content. Create an entire catalog or just a single course and sell subscriptions with ease!
Worked for many world-renowned Fortune 500 companies: Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Home-Credit, Xiaomi.
Yuan He
毕业后跨专业就职于美国独角兽信用卡公司 Petal Card 担任公司数据工程师,并获得公司全资赞助移民加拿大。目前于美国学院与大学教员联合会(Association of College and University Educators),全职担任数据工程师一职。与此同时,成功于加拿大创业,成立房产投资管理公司,管理并持有房产价值超过数千万加币。